SEO evolution: how to evolve your site into a new era in 10 easy steps

beat the google, Keywords, SEO comparison, Viral marketing
You've been through the whole rigamarole of Thanksgiving SEO leftovers and the secrets of Easter SEO. But time is not just of the essence, it's one of the threads needleworked throughout our fair galaxy. So what is "time," exactly? It's the most important ranking factor in SEO, that's for sure. Time is an impartial judge with no remorse, moral leanings, or particular appetite for justice. That's how foreign it is to us. And it's time we take time seriously, folks. We're not just humans, we're technology-wielders. What better things to fathom than the evolution of ourselves over time? And you can't measure that without time. So let's stop fiddling around. It's time to list the 10 easy steps to evolving your site into an all new-era. Do you want your site to…
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all things voice search [a momentous article]

bitly, Keywords, product, SEO comparison, social networks
Testing testing is this thing good? okay good. very special. it's a wonderful day on the internet. we all know this to be true. anyway … And so in honor of a recent statistic: discovered by heart special team of Internet scientists (you all know this to be true you all know this to be true) voice search will account for 50% of search in 2020. And if voice counts for 50% of search what will you do? how will you optimize for voice search? and how will you optimize for non voice search ( which is the other 50%, divided into all kinds of sub-categories)? will you optimize for voice search? will you optimize for the future? or will you be like Kevin B., whose stale approach to voice search…
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Generation Z SEO advice

Generation Z SEO advice

bitly, blogging tips, massive clicks, ROI
Did you hear? Milennials dropped the ball on this one: not only have they given up on home ownership and happiness, but they're already beginning to hand over the reins of the population to a younger, even more screen-plastered generation: Gen Z. Do not be fooled. This is not your grandmother's Gen Z. This is a Gen Z so full of Snapchat that they may collectively threaten your very existence as a website, a marketer, and indeed, your very soul. Stare into the eyes of a Gen Z some day. Can you do so? Never. They are too busy for you. They have a prom to text. In the last five seconds while you were skimming this article, the entire Gen Z skimmed this article and a dozen more … each. Gen…
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Can a search term be evil?

Can a search term be evil?

SEO comparison
It is the quandary of our quests. It is the night dream of our nights. It is the wonder of our world. Can a search term be evil? First: it can't be evil. You might think this: a sturdy position # one in the SEPRs of the Google is to be craven above all craves. They're the thing every marketer worth his smelt pursues. We hunt that position like it's the pot of gold from the loch ness monster. So how could it ever be evil? Second: it can be evil. Consider this, students of the art science (SEO, that is; the art-science). What if a young boy searched for " kill my aunt Jason?" Would then the mires of our moral compasses be swirling around us like intrinsic life mud?…
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an open letter to google

an open letter to google

beat the google, bitly, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, product, ROI, SEO comparison, social networks, Uncategorized, Viral marketing
dear Google, we heard that your rankbrain prefers natural, casual speak that came from a human, not a bot. And not a human with an evil bent. Definitely not a stuffed keyword. Recipies for stuffed shells? OK. Recipes for how to make a stuffed toad? fragrant. Recipes for a stuffed keyword? untenable? we hear you and we couldn't agree more. Please accept this most human, most natural blog post. It is written just like an email. we even did it on our iphones to make it feel like a natural message. Just like we're texting you from across the coffee table. there is not a more natural sounding, unstuffed blog post every other blog post is not only stuffed, but double stuffed. like a plump oreo. But we've measured the Oreo. its…
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Are you an SEO CHAMP or a CHUMP? Take the quiz

beat the google, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, SEO comparison, social networks
What are you thinking right now? That's an easy question to answer. But you know what's a harder question? "What is your boss thinking right now?" Answering this is tricky. Ultimately this is a mix of keyword research and empathy but if you really come down to brass tax, there's just one thing on every employer's mind: Are you an SEO CHAMP or an SEO CHUMP? Harsh? You bet. The world of SEO is not for soft people. It is for tough people. Take for example, every soft SEO chump you have ever known. Are they turnt? No, they are merely mellow. Are they firm, weathered, and able to spin a 301 redirect into gold? Nope. They're as limp and damp as the young trees in the wetlands.  That's a chump for you. That's…
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14 facts of easter seo

you have all heard about the wonderful viral thanksgiving seo post from us in the past. (If you hurry to that link there might be some leftovers after all this time but no promises.) But it left many of you heartbroken with thoughts of, "Why did the Best Google SEO Helpers not give us a hand on Easter SEO too?" First, They are two different holidays so please chill out. But that is just the first thing you should know. There are more than 13 facts about Easter SEO that anyone successful does every year. Specifically there are 14 facts. This is a list of the 14 facts about Easter seo and the tactics you can use because of them. if anyone tells you an Easter SEO fact that is not on this…
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The 9 secrets of emoji SEO

beat the google, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks
Have you ever tried looking at the emoji? Exactly. you can't! You just can't. Because It's too easy to even try, you either do or do not look at it. (Sorry, Yoda, but that old ex-wing mantra is really an Internet term that you reappropriated from something that is best left unsaid except for emojis.) Here is what I mean. (It is what they all mean.) : The top 9 secrets of emoji SEO Emoji are actually compacted from larger bits of information. These byte-sized pieces converge to form images, but very small. This makes them more emotional and visibly dense than a word, which is why they are so much more powerful. Beware of emoji-stuffing. Not only does it harm you in Google, but it also warns e-mail of spam. Focus…
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Thanksgiving SEO leftovers

Did you know that on Thanksgiving there are some SEO advantages that, unless you are aware of them, can pass you by entirely? Don't let this happen to you. The fact of the matter is this; while everyone is 1) building a feast and 2) beholding sport, there is a massive SEO goldmine that some savvy marketers also tap into from November to November. It is Thanksgiving SEO, and the searches always, always go up. Open Twitter on the day, and you will see the trend on your computer or touchscreen gadget. See what we mean? Now, you know about Thanksgiving meal leftovers? They are the food that doesn't make it to the stomach on the main dining day session. But whatabout SEO leftovers? Those are good, too. Consider this:…
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Octapus SEO facts

Keywords, massive clicks, SEO comparison, Uncategorized
Remember that when you are a blogger you must never settle. This is why Best Google SEO Helper and the friendly sea creatures look up to the ambitious squids. Do you know how they made it to the top? By trying? Or by prevailing?  Now you know. Here are 10 facts about Octapus SEO: Every post is a squid. Your post connotes a swollen head and a fin on top of it for navigating the web. This is where we get the term "header nav" or "nav bar," because of it. Every share is a tentacle. No matter where you are, a share goes in another direction. Kraken once ruled the seas because their tentacles went in enough directions to get the power. Every Like is a suction cup. You need these for…
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