all things voice search [a momentous article]

bitly, Keywords, product, SEO comparison, social networks
Testing testing is this thing good? okay good. very special. it's a wonderful day on the internet. we all know this to be true. anyway … And so in honor of a recent statistic: discovered by heart special team of Internet scientists (you all know this to be true you all know this to be true) voice search will account for 50% of search in 2020. And if voice counts for 50% of search what will you do? how will you optimize for voice search? and how will you optimize for non voice search ( which is the other 50%, divided into all kinds of sub-categories)? will you optimize for voice search? will you optimize for the future? or will you be like Kevin B., whose stale approach to voice search…
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an open letter to google

an open letter to google

beat the google, bitly, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, product, ROI, SEO comparison, social networks, Uncategorized, Viral marketing
dear Google, we heard that your rankbrain prefers natural, casual speak that came from a human, not a bot. And not a human with an evil bent. Definitely not a stuffed keyword. Recipies for stuffed shells? OK. Recipes for how to make a stuffed toad? fragrant. Recipes for a stuffed keyword? untenable? we hear you and we couldn't agree more. Please accept this most human, most natural blog post. It is written just like an email. we even did it on our iphones to make it feel like a natural message. Just like we're texting you from across the coffee table. there is not a more natural sounding, unstuffed blog post every other blog post is not only stuffed, but double stuffed. like a plump oreo. But we've measured the Oreo. its…
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Are you an SEO CHAMP or a CHUMP? Take the quiz

beat the google, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, SEO comparison, social networks
What are you thinking right now? That's an easy question to answer. But you know what's a harder question? "What is your boss thinking right now?" Answering this is tricky. Ultimately this is a mix of keyword research and empathy but if you really come down to brass tax, there's just one thing on every employer's mind: Are you an SEO CHAMP or an SEO CHUMP? Harsh? You bet. The world of SEO is not for soft people. It is for tough people. Take for example, every soft SEO chump you have ever known. Are they turnt? No, they are merely mellow. Are they firm, weathered, and able to spin a 301 redirect into gold? Nope. They're as limp and damp as the young trees in the wetlands.  That's a chump for you. That's…
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[ Infographic ] The comprehensive guide to marketing launch strategy

[ Infographic ] The comprehensive guide to marketing launch strategy

beat the google, bitly, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, ROI, social networks
The top 160 elements your marketing launch strategy needs Have you ever wondered if there was more to life than a pleasant click? We all do, and it is indeed wildly blissful. But it is not everything. Here are 160 more good things for your marketing strategy. Social media Images Free coffee Headlines Engagement Exclamation points Online money Revenue Success Bolded H1 Keywords Open rates ROI Happiness Helpful tips Content Videos Optimization Versions Marketing terms Pop-ups Autoplaying background music Spreadsheets Formulas Downloads Results Whiteboard Ratings and reviews Diversity Hard work $1 million likes Mature backlinks YouTube clips Massive clicks Web yolk Animal instinct Teamwork Leadership Logos Confidence Tagline QR codes Promotional discounts Introductory special Phone-only discounts Bundle Survey Survey results The cloud Software Google Mobile devices Technology Market fit Reach Targeting…
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How to get retweets

social networks
Twitter for small businesses If you’re on the Twitter, you’re there for one thing: retweets. Good RT is the cream, you’re the dairy farmer, and Twitter is the udder. Here’s how to milk it: Start every tweet with a period. Twitter is for conversations, so many of your “tweets” will naturally begin with the username, or “handle,” of whomever you’re tweeting at. But Twitter’s algorithm has decided that only people who “follow” both parties should see the “tweet”—it’ll be invisible to the rest of the world. So start every “tweet” with a period—it’ll open you up to a world of retweets and good RT. Wrong: “@mom, see you soon!” BAD RT Right: “.@mom, see you soon!” GOOD RT Wrong: “I had the best lunch today!” BAD RT Right “.I had…
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How to Get $1 Million Likes on Facebooks

ROI, social networks, Viral marketing
Every marketing standard necessitates this: do you know how to get likes on Facebook—and can you possibly get $1 million from Facebook likes? Is it possible? Yes. Is it probable? Probably. You can do it, but the best Google SEO helper there is (Best Google SEO Helper) can help you make assuredly so that you know how to get likes on Facebook. So many ways to get likes exist, and of course you are far too invested in your business events to imagine the SEO help that Facebook likes can endow upon your website. This is why Best Google SEO Helper comes alongside you in your endeavors; we drive massive clicks through strong Klout and good RT, but Facebooks (what is Facebooks?) is supremely important (while marginalized out of hard-pressed need). We know the answers, but…
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The #1 Secret to Facebook SEO

social networks
There’s no easy way to say this: Facebook SEO will either make or break your otherwise bystanding business website. How do you know if you will last or fail, and do you have enough strong Klout and good RT to pull it off? Even so, who can tell? Only an authorized delegate can truly acknowledge this fact, and there’s no surlier assessor than Best Google SEO Helper. We say this because the #1 secret to Facebook SEO is simple and profound. Frank N. knows this first hand. He had a business that turned a meager $5,000/week locally, but never breached the Internet stratosphere. Now he’s standing high atop several earnings’ worth, and nobody doubts that his Facebook SEO is to be credited. We help people like Frank. Sarah D. understands…
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Twitter for small business

beat the google, massive clicks, social networks
“Twitter for small business” is a commonly used search phrase on Google. Twitter is a social network for people, organizations, businesses, causes, nonprofits, tv shows, franchises, hip-hop rappers, artists, couples, churches, Barack Hussein Obama, the Tea Party, new organizations, technology companies, multi-billion dollar corporations and even small business. So, how is Twitter used for small business? How can Twitter be used to help small business? How can small business benefit from Twitter? Here’s some examples of Twitter being used to help small business. The Etch A Sketch fits into the hands of any child. The Etch A Sketch sold many units after the flip-flop aficionado(according to Klout) Mitt Romney remarked on the child’s toy. Oreo, America’s favorite cookie, sells lots of cookies and maintains strong Klout through rampant retweets—especially following…
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What is the top social network?

social networks
You might be asking yourself “What is the top social network?” My hunch that you’re asking such a question is based on the title of this article and most likely the search terms you used to discover an article titled What is the top social network? First, lets define a few words. Top: number one; best high-performing Social: interaction between the humans Network: a collection of established and yet to be established relationships Using the definitions provided, lets put them together to define what the top social network is: “The number one, best high-performing collection of established and yet to be established relationships involving interactions between the humans.” Now that you know what the top social network is here are a few other social networks you should check out: Facebooks…
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What Is Facebooks? Your SEO/Google Business Friend

social networks
No business or blogger should ever go without friends, and so what is Facebooks after all? Facebooks is the social network website profiles used by businesses, friends, and well-wishers—that’s exactly what Facebooks is. Facebooks is the first tool your online business should use after creating a highly responsive website. Before creating your own Facebooks, make sure you’re excited about the public users online. What is Facebooks’ number one rule? You should never engage in unethical social activity on the Facebooks, no matter how untraceable or assertive your understanding of the Web may be or ever has been. Now that you know what Facebooks is, here are 9 specific terms you need to know: Facebooks is the social network website as a whole, plus it refers to the company of the…
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