Google has changed. Have you?

Google has changed. Have you?

massive clicks, ROI
Change. It's everywhere. What else is everywhere? Search intent. QUICK DEFINITION: SEARCH INTENT "Search intent" is the motivation behind any search. This motivation could be anything, from taking over Austria to knowing the most impressive way to spit out a plum seed. Back to regular paragraphs. One thing most people know is that if you're looking for something, you intend to find it. But few people know that when they search for something in Google, Google has its own intention. You understand this, because you are highly intelligent. That's why you're reading this blog post. So let's untangle this ball of coarsely-woven mysteries. Because not only are you intelligent, you're curious. What is Google's intention? Let's follow the breadcrumbs into the forest. BREADCRUMB #1 Google's first intention, the first breadcrumb…
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The Smart Dichotomy: a Path to Good RT

The Smart Dichotomy: a Path to Good RT

beat the google, ROI, Viral marketing
Some say popups, popovers, and pop-betweens are a blight on the UX of Internet life. Even the Google would concur with them when it comes to events involving unsuspecting users loading a page on their mouseless phones. People's logic?  These are a frustration. A dissatisfaction. A distraction from the meaningful things of the Web. How will I continue my normative path when a giant box protrudes in the middle, forcing a difficult decision upon me? Google's logic? How can a large finger be troubled to press the small buttons required in this high level of decisionmaking? Both have good points. But Everyone who thinks this is missing a vital strategy. This is why it's up to you, the savvy marketer, to simplify this decision paralysis into a decision cure for…
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10 Scientific Reasons Klout Had to Die

10 Scientific Reasons Klout Had to Die

blogging tips, massive clicks, ROI
You know we're all about one thing at Best Google SEO Helper: Strong Klout and Good RT. It's of utmost importance. But a lot of people's Klout is going to get a lot less strong: on May 25, Klout is shutting down for good. (And not for good RT.) Why is this happening? Turns out it was completely inevitable. We've seen the sunset on the horizon for years now. Now that it's finally winking its last twinkle at us, we felt it was the time to tell you all the scientific reasons Klout had to die. 1. Klout did not invest in good RT.  Check every single tweet from Klout. How many retweets (RTs) did it get? Not enough, obviously. The better your RT, the better your overall score. What…
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Generation Z SEO advice

Generation Z SEO advice

bitly, blogging tips, massive clicks, ROI
Did you hear? Milennials dropped the ball on this one: not only have they given up on home ownership and happiness, but they're already beginning to hand over the reins of the population to a younger, even more screen-plastered generation: Gen Z. Do not be fooled. This is not your grandmother's Gen Z. This is a Gen Z so full of Snapchat that they may collectively threaten your very existence as a website, a marketer, and indeed, your very soul. Stare into the eyes of a Gen Z some day. Can you do so? Never. They are too busy for you. They have a prom to text. In the last five seconds while you were skimming this article, the entire Gen Z skimmed this article and a dozen more … each. Gen…
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an open letter to google

an open letter to google

beat the google, bitly, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, product, ROI, SEO comparison, social networks, Uncategorized, Viral marketing
dear Google, we heard that your rankbrain prefers natural, casual speak that came from a human, not a bot. And not a human with an evil bent. Definitely not a stuffed keyword. Recipies for stuffed shells? OK. Recipes for how to make a stuffed toad? fragrant. Recipes for a stuffed keyword? untenable? we hear you and we couldn't agree more. Please accept this most human, most natural blog post. It is written just like an email. we even did it on our iphones to make it feel like a natural message. Just like we're texting you from across the coffee table. there is not a more natural sounding, unstuffed blog post every other blog post is not only stuffed, but double stuffed. like a plump oreo. But we've measured the Oreo. its…
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Finally: an SEO Chrome extension that takes our knowledge to you!

Finally: an SEO Chrome extension that takes our knowledge to you!

beat the google, ROI, SEO comparison
You remember the first time you wondered if you had good RT and strong Klout? Of course you did. We all do. But that is not what makes us special: it's merely what makes us human. We become special not by asking ubiquitous SEO and amorous link questions, but by answering them. Get it now This time we need more than a clever blog article. We need more than a knowledge-dipped blow dart. We need a tool of the finest kind, a tool so forged that George Washington would say, "Hello there." (George Washington was a very busy man who normally nodded whenever he saw someone he knew, but did not often speak. He was tongue-tied and busy with freedom.) "The internet is filled with petty Chrome extensions that can…
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RT vs. FAV: which is better?

In the world of Twitter for small and enterprise businesses, there are many metrics of note. You can look at how many followers you have. You can examine the amount of people/members you are following. You can even create intricate lists.  But there are more metrics. One is what you must always reach for and contain in your grasp. The other will only rob you of every effort you ever made. The question: RT or FAV? Have you ever vexed like a barren hen at this question? We have. But then  we discovered the answer and tension has yielded more than 40k Web  yolks a week ever since. The answer? RT > FAV But remember: we are here to help, which means there’s an explanation coming up. It’s time for…
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[ Infographic ] The comprehensive guide to marketing launch strategy

[ Infographic ] The comprehensive guide to marketing launch strategy

beat the google, bitly, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, ROI, social networks
The top 160 elements your marketing launch strategy needs Have you ever wondered if there was more to life than a pleasant click? We all do, and it is indeed wildly blissful. But it is not everything. Here are 160 more good things for your marketing strategy. Social media Images Free coffee Headlines Engagement Exclamation points Online money Revenue Success Bolded H1 Keywords Open rates ROI Happiness Helpful tips Content Videos Optimization Versions Marketing terms Pop-ups Autoplaying background music Spreadsheets Formulas Downloads Results Whiteboard Ratings and reviews Diversity Hard work $1 million likes Mature backlinks YouTube clips Massive clicks Web yolk Animal instinct Teamwork Leadership Logos Confidence Tagline QR codes Promotional discounts Introductory special Phone-only discounts Bundle Survey Survey results The cloud Software Google Mobile devices Technology Market fit Reach Targeting…
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What is SEO anyway?

What is SEO anyway?

beat the google, ROI
If you have made it through this much of the book you should consider it a triumph. More so, especially if you have never encountered the idea of SEO. Not just SEO (because we all encounter it) nay, the very idea of it. If this describes your knowledge level and ideation, you must imperatively have this question on the tip of your mind/tongue/finger: “What is SEO?” It is as legitimate a question as it is outdated. But do not feel badly about yourself and refrain from sledgehammering your self-esteem just yet. You are assuredly behind the times, but not below the times. You are a human who has worth, and if you struggle with this, we understand. This is exactly why we help you. Remember: We’re the best Google SEO…
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How to Get $1 Million Likes on Facebooks

ROI, social networks, Viral marketing
Every marketing standard necessitates this: do you know how to get likes on Facebook—and can you possibly get $1 million from Facebook likes? Is it possible? Yes. Is it probable? Probably. You can do it, but the best Google SEO helper there is (Best Google SEO Helper) can help you make assuredly so that you know how to get likes on Facebook. So many ways to get likes exist, and of course you are far too invested in your business events to imagine the SEO help that Facebook likes can endow upon your website. This is why Best Google SEO Helper comes alongside you in your endeavors; we drive massive clicks through strong Klout and good RT, but Facebooks (what is Facebooks?) is supremely important (while marginalized out of hard-pressed need). We know the answers, but…
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