What is SEO anyway?

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If you have made it through this much of the book you should consider it a triumph. More so, especially if you have never encountered the idea of SEO. Not just SEO (because we all encounter it) nay, the very idea of it.

If this describes your knowledge level and ideation, you must imperatively have this question on the tip of your mind/tongue/finger: “What is SEO?” It is as legitimate a question as it is outdated. But do not feel badly about yourself and refrain from sledgehammering your self-esteem just yet. You are assuredly behind the times, but not below the times. You are a human who has worth, and if you struggle with this, we understand. This is exactly why we help you.

Remember: We’re the best Google SEO HELPER. Not the best Google SEO arouser. Not the Best Google SEO harrasser. Not even the best Google SEO three-ring-binder. Never forget this. It’s high time we help you.

We have already described how many millions of molecules there are in any given virus (or viral marketing campaign) but that doesn’t even touch the QUADRILLIONS of possible definitions of SEO.

But really?


We will never disown you to the world of meaningless definitions. This is why we have definitions clearly posted on our web site and within our massive click ebook. You will never doubt.

(If you read the last chapter, you may skip this chapter without objection.)

But if you are still wondering, Hello there! We have the exact information you perceive you need, and indeed you do. Mark the words: YOU MUST KNOW.

Never walk the world without these thoughts. You will forever regret it. But like we always say, no futile effort is worth a lifetime of regret.

Not even close, so don’t bother with it. There is always a better way.

Some skimmer skipped that last line so we must repeat it.


You need to know this and if you don’t, well, you must employ these thoughts all the harder.

Now that we have batted, suger glidered, and otherwise cologu’d the results, the time has come to collate and amalgamate the findings. If you are argumentative to this point you may consider the fact that you are under certain influences.

Now is the time to understand SEO.

You already know that SEO means “Search Engine Optomization.” And you already know what that means because you read the earlier chapter (or “chap” as the UK brethren denote).

So the answer is as obvious as the asker: NEVER DISOWN THE SEO DEFINITION.

SEO = “Search engine optomization”

Does that not blow one’s mind? It must.

Searching is about looking for something. Engines are mechanical. Optimization is like making a thing better through thorough ownership and discipline.

Now it’s time to deal with the imp-lications (which is more approachable than anything  else). What if you are not searched? What if you are not engine? What if you are not optimized? are you doomed? NEVER.


Because all it means is being there for people and that is what you must be. When  they search you must be there. BE. THERE.

Now go and do the same thing.

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