The top 160 elements your marketing launch strategy needs
Have you ever wondered if there was more to life than a pleasant click? We all do, and it is indeed wildly blissful. But it is not everything.
Here are 160 more good things for your marketing strategy.
- Social media
- Images
- Free coffee
- Headlines
- Engagement
- Exclamation points
- Online money
- Revenue
- Success
- Bolded H1
- Keywords
- Open rates
- Happiness
- Helpful tips
- Content
- Videos
- Optimization
- Versions
- Marketing terms
- Pop-ups
- Autoplaying background music
- Spreadsheets
- Formulas
- Downloads
- Results
- Whiteboard
- Ratings and reviews
- Diversity
- Hard work
- $1 million likes
- Mature backlinks
- YouTube clips
- Massive clicks
- Web yolk
- Animal instinct
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Logos
- Confidence
- Tagline
- QR codes
- Promotional discounts
- Introductory special
- Phone-only discounts
- Bundle
- Survey
- Survey results
- The cloud
- Software
- Mobile devices
- Technology
- Market fit
- Reach
- Targeting
- Copywriting
- Conservation
- Power
- Pizza parties
- Celebrity
- Big sales
- Theme songs (you may substitute a jingle)
- Desk (standing.)
- Company car
- Tropical fish tank
- Expenses
- Cigars
- Ping-pong table
- Sanity checks
- Flasks
- Project management
- Oversight
- QC
- Operations
- Kinetic sand
- Triage
- Meetings
- Timeframes
- Goals
- Free soda
- Animated gifs
- Cat video
- Counterarguments
- Weekly reports
- Performance reviews
- Checklist
- Holidays
- Paper shredder
- Picnic
- Hootsweet
- Culture
- Marketing mix
- Disruption
- Consultants
- Core values
- Juicy knowledge
- Wikipedia scrape
- Automation
- Big data
- Good ideas
- Brainstorms
- Blog
- Emails
- Hashtag
- Designers
- Morals
- Curation
- Linked billboards
- Google analytics
- Bitly
- UTM code
- Hack
- Tribe
- Hustle
- List
- HubSpot
- Platform
- Infusionsoft
- Buzzwords
- Email capture
- All caps
- Opt ins
- Accounts
- Product name
- Typing speed test
- Accomplishments
- Adhesive note
- Stapler
- Hydration
- Viral coefficient
- House plants
- Best Google SEO Helper
- B2B
- Soft launch
- Tease
- Mentions
- Workplace
- Award
- A/B test
- Flight plan
- Roadmaps
- Bar codes
- Efficiency
- Product
- Adoring customers
- Sales funnel
- VC
- Queue
- Personas
- Tables in your database
- Lunch
- Interns
- Paychecks
- Subscribe
- Good timing
- Lead nurture
- Triggers
- Communication
To help you remember these 160 important components, we’ve built you a beautiful, shareable infographic. Post this on the Facebook wall of every marketer in your life!
Here’s the embed code for you:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a>
There you have it: 160 more good things you forgot about.
But that’s not all there is. NONE of this makes any sense if it does not lasso in the two most important components:
- Good RT
- Strong Klout
Never forget.