[ Infographic ] The comprehensive guide to marketing launch strategy

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The top 160 elements your marketing launch strategy needs

Have you ever wondered if there was more to life than a pleasant click? We all do, and it is indeed wildly blissful. But it is not everything.

Here are 160 more good things for your marketing strategy.

  1. Social media
  2. Images
  3. Free coffee
  4. Headlines
  5. Engagement
  6. Exclamation points
  7. Online money
  8. Revenue
  9. Success
  10. Bolded H1
  11. Keywords
  12. Open rates
  13. ROI
  14. Happiness
  15. Helpful tips
  16. Content
  17. Videos
  18. Optimization
  19. Versions
  20. Marketing terms
  21. Pop-ups
  22. Autoplaying background music
  23. Spreadsheets
  24. Formulas
  26. Results
  27. Whiteboard
  28. Ratings and reviews
  29. Diversity
  30. Hard work
  31. $1 million likes
  32. Mature backlinks
  33. YouTube clips
  34. Massive clicks
  35. Web yolk
  36. Animal instinct
  37. Teamwork
  38. Leadership
  39. Logos
  40. Confidence
  41. Tagline
  42. QR codes
  43. Promotional discounts
  44. Introductory special
  45. Phone-only discounts
  46. Bundle
  47. Survey
  48. Survey results
  49. The cloud
  50. Software
  51. Google
  52. Mobile devices
  53. Technology
  54. Market fit
  55. Reach
  56. Targeting
  57. Copywriting
  58. Conservation
  59. Power
  60. Pizza parties
  61. Celebrity
  62. Big sales
  63. Theme songs (you may substitute a jingle)
  64. Desk (standing.)
  65. Company car
  66. Tropical fish tank
  67. Expenses
  68. Cigars
  69. Ping-pong table
  70. Sanity checks
  71. Flasks
  72. Project management
  73. Oversight
  74. QC
  75. Operations
  76. Kinetic sand
  77. Triage
  78. Meetings
  79. Timeframes
  80. Goals
  81. Free soda
  82. Animated gifs
  83. Cat video
  84. Counterarguments
  85. Weekly reports
  86. Performance reviews
  87. Checklist
  88. Holidays
  89. Paper shredder
  90. Picnic
  91. Hootsweet
  92. Culture
  93. Marketing mix
  94. Disruption
  95. Consultants
  96. Core values
  97. Juicy knowledge
  98. Wikipedia scrape
  99. Automation
  100. Big data
  101. Good ideas
  102. Brainstorms
  103. Blog
  104. Emails
  105. Hashtag
  106. Designers
  107. Morals
  108. Curation
  109. Linked billboards
  110. Google analytics
  111. Bitly
  112. UTM code
  113. Hack
  114. Tribe
  115. Hustle
  116. List
  117. CRM
  118. HubSpot
  119. Platform
  120. Infusionsoft
  121. Buzzwords
  122. Email capture
  123. All caps
  124. Opt ins
  125. Accounts
  126. Product name
  127. Typing speed test
  128. Accomplishments
  129. Adhesive note
  130. Stapler
  131. Hydration
  132. Viral coefficient
  133. House plants
  134. Best Google SEO Helper
  135. B2B
  136. Soft launch
  137. Tease
  138. Mentions
  139. Workplace
  140. Award
  141. A/B test
  142. Flight plan
  143. Roadmaps
  144. Bar codes
  145. Efficiency
  146. Product
  147. Adoring customers
  148. Sales funnel
  149. VC
  150. Queue
  151. Personas
  152. Tables in your database
  153. Lunch
  154. Interns
  155. Paychecks
  156. Subscribe
  157. Good timing
  158. Lead nurture
  159. Triggers
  160. Communication

To help you remember these 160 important components, we’ve built you a beautiful, shareable infographic. Post this on the Facebook wall of every marketer in your life!


Here’s the embed code for you:

<a href="http://www.bestgoogleseohelper.com/the-comprehensive-guide-to-marketing-launch-strategy/"><img src="http://www.bestgoogleseohelper.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/guide_screenshot.png" alt="" /></a>

There you have it: 160 more good things you forgot about.

But that’s not all there is. NONE of this makes any sense if it does not lasso in the two most important components:

  1. Good RT
  2. Strong Klout

Never forget.