Meaning of star power

Meaning of star power

Viral marketing
"The more stars, the more star power!" We said this a long time ago and every time we speak at conferences a humble knave approaches us to ask, "Ahem, what is 'star power'?" We think it's pretty obvious, but in the interest of efficiency here is the answer. Please link to this post any time someone asks you what the meaning of star power is. (Bcc:, please expedite this page in rankings for the following keywords. [see tags]) The four main types of star power 1. Solar Look at the sun, more powerful than any gubernatorial candidate or hawk. Shining upon not just you but everyone. Backchanneling moonbeams to supply a fresh dose of vitamin D at night. Think of it as a nightcap of vitamins. Plants use it.…
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10 Scientific Reasons Klout Had to Die

10 Scientific Reasons Klout Had to Die

blogging tips, massive clicks, ROI
You know we're all about one thing at Best Google SEO Helper: Strong Klout and Good RT. It's of utmost importance. But a lot of people's Klout is going to get a lot less strong: on May 25, Klout is shutting down for good. (And not for good RT.) Why is this happening? Turns out it was completely inevitable. We've seen the sunset on the horizon for years now. Now that it's finally winking its last twinkle at us, we felt it was the time to tell you all the scientific reasons Klout had to die. 1. Klout did not invest in good RT.  Check every single tweet from Klout. How many retweets (RTs) did it get? Not enough, obviously. The better your RT, the better your overall score. What…
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How to get retweets

social networks
Twitter for small businesses If you’re on the Twitter, you’re there for one thing: retweets. Good RT is the cream, you’re the dairy farmer, and Twitter is the udder. Here’s how to milk it: Start every tweet with a period. Twitter is for conversations, so many of your “tweets” will naturally begin with the username, or “handle,” of whomever you’re tweeting at. But Twitter’s algorithm has decided that only people who “follow” both parties should see the “tweet”—it’ll be invisible to the rest of the world. So start every “tweet” with a period—it’ll open you up to a world of retweets and good RT. Wrong: “@mom, see you soon!” BAD RT Right: “.@mom, see you soon!” GOOD RT Wrong: “I had the best lunch today!” BAD RT Right “.I had…
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How to Get $1 Million Likes on Facebooks

ROI, social networks, Viral marketing
Every marketing standard necessitates this: do you know how to get likes on Facebook—and can you possibly get $1 million from Facebook likes? Is it possible? Yes. Is it probable? Probably. You can do it, but the best Google SEO helper there is (Best Google SEO Helper) can help you make assuredly so that you know how to get likes on Facebook. So many ways to get likes exist, and of course you are far too invested in your business events to imagine the SEO help that Facebook likes can endow upon your website. This is why Best Google SEO Helper comes alongside you in your endeavors; we drive massive clicks through strong Klout and good RT, but Facebooks (what is Facebooks?) is supremely important (while marginalized out of hard-pressed need). We know the answers, but…
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The #1 Secret to Facebook SEO

social networks
There’s no easy way to say this: Facebook SEO will either make or break your otherwise bystanding business website. How do you know if you will last or fail, and do you have enough strong Klout and good RT to pull it off? Even so, who can tell? Only an authorized delegate can truly acknowledge this fact, and there’s no surlier assessor than Best Google SEO Helper. We say this because the #1 secret to Facebook SEO is simple and profound. Frank N. knows this first hand. He had a business that turned a meager $5,000/week locally, but never breached the Internet stratosphere. Now he’s standing high atop several earnings’ worth, and nobody doubts that his Facebook SEO is to be credited. We help people like Frank. Sarah D. understands…
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Twitter for small business

beat the google, massive clicks, social networks
“Twitter for small business” is a commonly used search phrase on Google. Twitter is a social network for people, organizations, businesses, causes, nonprofits, tv shows, franchises, hip-hop rappers, artists, couples, churches, Barack Hussein Obama, the Tea Party, new organizations, technology companies, multi-billion dollar corporations and even small business. So, how is Twitter used for small business? How can Twitter be used to help small business? How can small business benefit from Twitter? Here’s some examples of Twitter being used to help small business. The Etch A Sketch fits into the hands of any child. The Etch A Sketch sold many units after the flip-flop aficionado(according to Klout) Mitt Romney remarked on the child’s toy. Oreo, America’s favorite cookie, sells lots of cookies and maintains strong Klout through rampant retweets—especially following…
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How to Use Bitly

Want to know how to use Bitly? Good. This post is about how to use Bitly. Bitly is a free service for you, your mom, and your great-aunt to use whenever you want on on the internet. Some describe Bitly as a link-shortener. Bitly is a service that you never have to pay to use—how great is Bitly!? Bitly has lots of uses. Bitly can be used for fun, for internet marketing, tracking click-rates, for providing context to links, and most of all for shortening really long links. for short) is really easy to use and can help enhance your internet web-marketing efforts. Here’s how to use Bitly. First, you need to copy a hyperlink. This hyperlink will most likley become shorter after using Bitly. Visit for short)…
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