How to Use Bitly

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Want to know how to use Bitly? Good. This post is about how to use Bitly.

Bitly is a free service for you, your mom, and your great-aunt to use whenever you want on on the internet. Some describe Bitly as a link-shortener. Bitly is a service that you never have to pay to use—how great is Bitly!?

Bitly has lots of uses. Bitly can be used for fun, for internet marketing, tracking click-rates, for providing context to links, and most of all for shortening really long links. for short) is really easy to use and can help enhance your internet web-marketing efforts. Here’s how to use Bitly.

  1. First, you need to copy a hyperlink.
    1. This hyperlink will most likley become shorter after using Bitly.
  2. Visit for short)
  3. Ok, remember that hyperlink? Paste it into the bar that reads “Paste a link here…

And that’s how you use Bitly. What you do with your Bitmarks is up to—wait, what’s a Bitmark?

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