How to get retweets

social networks
Twitter for small businesses If you’re on the Twitter, you’re there for one thing: retweets. Good RT is the cream, you’re the dairy farmer, and Twitter is the udder. Here’s how to milk it: Start every tweet with a period. Twitter is for conversations, so many of your “tweets” will naturally begin with the username, or “handle,” of whomever you’re tweeting at. But Twitter’s algorithm has decided that only people who “follow” both parties should see the “tweet”—it’ll be invisible to the rest of the world. So start every “tweet” with a period—it’ll open you up to a world of retweets and good RT. Wrong: “@mom, see you soon!” BAD RT Right: “.@mom, see you soon!” GOOD RT Wrong: “I had the best lunch today!” BAD RT Right “.I had…
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Twitter for small business

beat the google, massive clicks, social networks
“Twitter for small business” is a commonly used search phrase on Google. Twitter is a social network for people, organizations, businesses, causes, nonprofits, tv shows, franchises, hip-hop rappers, artists, couples, churches, Barack Hussein Obama, the Tea Party, new organizations, technology companies, multi-billion dollar corporations and even small business. So, how is Twitter used for small business? How can Twitter be used to help small business? How can small business benefit from Twitter? Here’s some examples of Twitter being used to help small business. The Etch A Sketch fits into the hands of any child. The Etch A Sketch sold many units after the flip-flop aficionado(according to Klout) Mitt Romney remarked on the child’s toy. Oreo, America’s favorite cookie, sells lots of cookies and maintains strong Klout through rampant retweets—especially following…
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What is the top social network?

social networks
You might be asking yourself “What is the top social network?” My hunch that you’re asking such a question is based on the title of this article and most likely the search terms you used to discover an article titled What is the top social network? First, lets define a few words. Top: number one; best high-performing Social: interaction between the humans Network: a collection of established and yet to be established relationships Using the definitions provided, lets put them together to define what the top social network is: “The number one, best high-performing collection of established and yet to be established relationships involving interactions between the humans.” Now that you know what the top social network is here are a few other social networks you should check out: Facebooks…
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