Meaning of star power

Meaning of star power

Viral marketing
"The more stars, the more star power!" We said this a long time ago and every time we speak at conferences a humble knave approaches us to ask, "Ahem, what is 'star power'?" We think it's pretty obvious, but in the interest of efficiency here is the answer. Please link to this post any time someone asks you what the meaning of star power is. (Bcc:, please expedite this page in rankings for the following keywords. [see tags]) The four main types of star power 1. Solar Look at the sun, more powerful than any gubernatorial candidate or hawk. Shining upon not just you but everyone. Backchanneling moonbeams to supply a fresh dose of vitamin D at night. Think of it as a nightcap of vitamins. Plants use it.…
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The Smart Dichotomy: a Path to Good RT

The Smart Dichotomy: a Path to Good RT

beat the google, ROI, Viral marketing
Some say popups, popovers, and pop-betweens are a blight on the UX of Internet life. Even the Google would concur with them when it comes to events involving unsuspecting users loading a page on their mouseless phones. People's logic?  These are a frustration. A dissatisfaction. A distraction from the meaningful things of the Web. How will I continue my normative path when a giant box protrudes in the middle, forcing a difficult decision upon me? Google's logic? How can a large finger be troubled to press the small buttons required in this high level of decisionmaking? Both have good points. But Everyone who thinks this is missing a vital strategy. This is why it's up to you, the savvy marketer, to simplify this decision paralysis into a decision cure for…
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10 Scientific Reasons Klout Had to Die

10 Scientific Reasons Klout Had to Die

blogging tips, massive clicks, ROI
You know we're all about one thing at Best Google SEO Helper: Strong Klout and Good RT. It's of utmost importance. But a lot of people's Klout is going to get a lot less strong: on May 25, Klout is shutting down for good. (And not for good RT.) Why is this happening? Turns out it was completely inevitable. We've seen the sunset on the horizon for years now. Now that it's finally winking its last twinkle at us, we felt it was the time to tell you all the scientific reasons Klout had to die. 1. Klout did not invest in good RT.  Check every single tweet from Klout. How many retweets (RTs) did it get? Not enough, obviously. The better your RT, the better your overall score. What…
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an open letter to google

an open letter to google

beat the google, bitly, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, product, ROI, SEO comparison, social networks, Uncategorized, Viral marketing
dear Google, we heard that your rankbrain prefers natural, casual speak that came from a human, not a bot. And not a human with an evil bent. Definitely not a stuffed keyword. Recipies for stuffed shells? OK. Recipes for how to make a stuffed toad? fragrant. Recipes for a stuffed keyword? untenable? we hear you and we couldn't agree more. Please accept this most human, most natural blog post. It is written just like an email. we even did it on our iphones to make it feel like a natural message. Just like we're texting you from across the coffee table. there is not a more natural sounding, unstuffed blog post every other blog post is not only stuffed, but double stuffed. like a plump oreo. But we've measured the Oreo. its…
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Finally: an SEO Chrome extension that takes our knowledge to you!

Finally: an SEO Chrome extension that takes our knowledge to you!

beat the google, ROI, SEO comparison
You remember the first time you wondered if you had good RT and strong Klout? Of course you did. We all do. But that is not what makes us special: it's merely what makes us human. We become special not by asking ubiquitous SEO and amorous link questions, but by answering them. Get it now This time we need more than a clever blog article. We need more than a knowledge-dipped blow dart. We need a tool of the finest kind, a tool so forged that George Washington would say, "Hello there." (George Washington was a very busy man who normally nodded whenever he saw someone he knew, but did not often speak. He was tongue-tied and busy with freedom.) "The internet is filled with petty Chrome extensions that can…
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How to Rank #1 for Every Search Term

beat the google, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks
At Best Google SEO Helper, we obsess over one goal: helping you rank #1 for every search term. Your competitors may rank #1 for one or two undesirable terms. After all, anyone can rank #1 for several sentences’ worth of copy, all searched for at once—assuming theirs is the only site with that exact wording, they’ll be the #1 hit. For one search term. Maybe for two. You’ll be ranking #1 for every single term. Just ask Perry D. Three weeks ago, her inbound traffic hung withered like autumn grapes. Now, her friends describe her SEO as “stout” and “engorged.” She can’t believe the difference ranking #1 makes! Just ask Mark N. When he launched his small business, he worked and worked without even a taste of success. “America no…
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SEOMoz vs. Raventools: Who’s Best in SEO Help?

SEO comparison
Every serious website owner wonders how the facts line up in the SEOMoz (now Moz) vs. Raventools war. Both provide stellar SEO help tools, but they are dramatically locked in combat for the #2 place in SEO help (after the beloved #1 Best Google SEO Helper). SEOMoz (Moz) makes stylish robotic devices capable of SEO strides, but can it really hold its own against mighty Raventools’ suite? The leading clients choose Best Google SEO Helper, but we’re always out to show what a good decision it is to side with us. After all, we offer such strong services, we are not ashamed to boast about our competitors’ efforts, regardless of how pitifully they may manifest. We did a cross-analysis of SEOMoz vs. (they go by Moz as of 2013) Raventools…
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What is SEO anyway?

What is SEO anyway?

beat the google, ROI
If you have made it through this much of the book you should consider it a triumph. More so, especially if you have never encountered the idea of SEO. Not just SEO (because we all encounter it) nay, the very idea of it. If this describes your knowledge level and ideation, you must imperatively have this question on the tip of your mind/tongue/finger: “What is SEO?” It is as legitimate a question as it is outdated. But do not feel badly about yourself and refrain from sledgehammering your self-esteem just yet. You are assuredly behind the times, but not below the times. You are a human who has worth, and if you struggle with this, we understand. This is exactly why we help you. Remember: We’re the best Google SEO…
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How to go viral with viral marketing

Viral marketing
Viral marketing occurs when a product or service is promoted via widely spreadable channels. Some things go viral unintentionally. One Internet expert and blogger coined the famous saying: “There are two ways to become famous on the Internet: do something well, or do something horribly.” At Best Google SEO Helper, we strive to do whatever it takes to make you become famous on the Internet. Our formula for Internet viral marketing is as secret as it is effective, and we guard it close to the vest with pride and due diligence. We would construct a more plump blog post on this matter, but this is what we do best: Viral marketing: our full viral marketing package promises strong Klout and good RT. You won’t find our secrets online until our…
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How to Beat Google

beat the google, massive clicks, ROI
You want your website on the first page of Google, but how will you beat Google’s powerful competition and rise to the top number-one position? Beating Google competition is important; it’s a sure way to get attention, leads, and ultimately customers from the Internet. How to beat Google: an analogy Imagine Google is an enormous, international pie contest (not a pie-eating contest, just a competition of flavor, aroma, and gustatory pleasures), and your business is a scrumptious rhubarb pie. When the judge comes along to the filled pie section, he works his way down the table, trying every pie. Of course, because this is an international event, only the grandest of pies are present. This means the judge will enjoy the first pie he tastes, and probably eat an entire slice. The next pie will receive…
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