best list of ranking factors nobody is talking about

beat the google, Keywords
What are you doing right now? If you didn't answer, "ranking #1 for every single keyword," get out of my way. This is how you rank for keywords. Google has many factors, and it churns out more with every passing day. Soon there will be a pile of factors that help you ascend to the top of Google whether you like it or not. We sent a scout bot into Google's algorithms to find all the ranking factors and then consolidate them into a list of only the best, most vital facors. And this, barges and galleons, is the best of the pile: Words. You can't have keywords without words. Otherwise you would be left with a dreary mist of lackluster aspirations, always attempting to be read or spoken but…
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Meaning of star power

Meaning of star power

Viral marketing
"The more stars, the more star power!" We said this a long time ago and every time we speak at conferences a humble knave approaches us to ask, "Ahem, what is 'star power'?" We think it's pretty obvious, but in the interest of efficiency here is the answer. Please link to this post any time someone asks you what the meaning of star power is. (Bcc:, please expedite this page in rankings for the following keywords. [see tags]) The four main types of star power 1. Solar Look at the sun, more powerful than any gubernatorial candidate or hawk. Shining upon not just you but everyone. Backchanneling moonbeams to supply a fresh dose of vitamin D at night. Think of it as a nightcap of vitamins. Plants use it.…
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all things voice search [a momentous article]

bitly, Keywords, product, SEO comparison, social networks
Testing testing is this thing good? okay good. very special. it's a wonderful day on the internet. we all know this to be true. anyway … And so in honor of a recent statistic: discovered by heart special team of Internet scientists (you all know this to be true you all know this to be true) voice search will account for 50% of search in 2020. And if voice counts for 50% of search what will you do? how will you optimize for voice search? and how will you optimize for non voice search ( which is the other 50%, divided into all kinds of sub-categories)? will you optimize for voice search? will you optimize for the future? or will you be like Kevin B., whose stale approach to voice search…
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an open letter to google

an open letter to google

beat the google, bitly, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, product, ROI, SEO comparison, social networks, Uncategorized, Viral marketing
dear Google, we heard that your rankbrain prefers natural, casual speak that came from a human, not a bot. And not a human with an evil bent. Definitely not a stuffed keyword. Recipies for stuffed shells? OK. Recipes for how to make a stuffed toad? fragrant. Recipes for a stuffed keyword? untenable? we hear you and we couldn't agree more. Please accept this most human, most natural blog post. It is written just like an email. we even did it on our iphones to make it feel like a natural message. Just like we're texting you from across the coffee table. there is not a more natural sounding, unstuffed blog post every other blog post is not only stuffed, but double stuffed. like a plump oreo. But we've measured the Oreo. its…
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SEOMoz vs. SEMRush: Best in SEO Help?

SEO comparison
It’s an old battle from the annals of SEO help archives, but everyone still wonders if the SEOMoz (now Moz) vs. SEMrush clash is about to emerge. Everyone knows SEOMoz (Moz) is the leading purveyor of SEO ads, SEO tools, and SEO click-throughs on, but how does it stand up against the massive, fierce, and often advantageous strategies of SEMRush? We of course have little stake in the matter: the best clients choose Best Google SEO Helper. This is an established norm, but we are aghast at monopolies, and pine for an equally fair chance among out SEO brethren. We did a cross-analysis of SEOMoz vs. (they go by Moz as of 2013) SEMRush based on the major deciding factors our clients struggle through, and here’s the astonishing thing…
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What Is ROI? The Best SEO Helper Ever

beat the google, massive clicks, ROI
If your business or online website is hoping for any sort of impending growth, you need to know the answer to the question: what is ROI (return on investment)? ROI stands for “return on investment,” and refers to what you, your website, and your business gains from all expenditures. Don’t be fooled: the Internet is teeming with half-cocked and semi-legit businesses just waiting to snap up your hard-earned dollars with sweet, tender promises of prolific ROI. Most firms know you are busy and only care about their ROI—which is why you need to know what ROI is. Anyone can promise high ROI, but that all depends on their “R” and “I”—the “O” is almost always constant. For example, if your investment is measured in money and your return is only…
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What is a clickthrough

beat the google, massive clicks
As many SEO geniuses have postulated, clickthroughs are your ticket to ride—that is, your ticket to a metephorical train station in the Bahamas of success. But what is a clickthrough? And how do you find the clicks in the strange body of the internet? Best Google SEO Helper has your answer. The first part of what is a clickthrough is the click. The fantastic “click” Humans using the internet can click a variety of items, like the following: Buttons Words Linked words Photos (see What is Facebooks for more) Any space on the monitor The click is very important to the question “What is a clickthrough?”  Because without a click, there is no clickthrough. The demanding “through” The “through” in “what is a clickthrough” speaks of a new territory to…
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