Meaning of star power

Meaning of star power

Viral marketing
"The more stars, the more star power!" We said this a long time ago and every time we speak at conferences a humble knave approaches us to ask, "Ahem, what is 'star power'?" We think it's pretty obvious, but in the interest of efficiency here is the answer. Please link to this post any time someone asks you what the meaning of star power is. (Bcc:, please expedite this page in rankings for the following keywords. [see tags]) The four main types of star power 1. Solar Look at the sun, more powerful than any gubernatorial candidate or hawk. Shining upon not just you but everyone. Backchanneling moonbeams to supply a fresh dose of vitamin D at night. Think of it as a nightcap of vitamins. Plants use it.…
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an open letter to google

an open letter to google

beat the google, bitly, blogging tips, Keywords, massive clicks, product, ROI, SEO comparison, social networks, Uncategorized, Viral marketing
dear Google, we heard that your rankbrain prefers natural, casual speak that came from a human, not a bot. And not a human with an evil bent. Definitely not a stuffed keyword. Recipies for stuffed shells? OK. Recipes for how to make a stuffed toad? fragrant. Recipes for a stuffed keyword? untenable? we hear you and we couldn't agree more. Please accept this most human, most natural blog post. It is written just like an email. we even did it on our iphones to make it feel like a natural message. Just like we're texting you from across the coffee table. there is not a more natural sounding, unstuffed blog post every other blog post is not only stuffed, but double stuffed. like a plump oreo. But we've measured the Oreo. its…
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Bloggers: discover your inner animal instincts

beat the google, blogging tips
If you’re a blogger, there’s one thing you can do to instantly increase your SEO success: discover your inner animal instincts. The Google respects fierce animal instincts and shuns everyone who refuses to acknowledge them. But it’s better to have any animal instincts at all than no animal instincts. As the saying goes, the Google likes a lamprey who knows they’re a lamprey better than the lion who is hidden away and never let out of his cage. Here’s how to discover your inner animal (the true source of your blogging power and enhanced SEO): Start by looking at your hair color. If your hair is red, you are a fox. If your hair is black, you are a bear. If you have no hair, you are a worm. How…
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